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FOL KOTHTHU DRIVE - 19.05.2024




Yesterday morning, we launched the mission of preparing 2000 Koththu and delivering them across Melbourne to our esteemed supporters. It was an intense but a rewarding day, made possible by an incredible army of volunteers who share our values of giving back. From the kitchen to the delivery volunteers and everyone in between, each task was completed with love and dedication of the volunteers who sacrificed their Sunday (and Saturday for preparations) for this mission.


We wholeheartedly thank everyone who contributed in various ways throughout this journey. Your support and generosity were invaluable.

We extend our gratitude to those who placed Koththu orders and sponsored children.

It was truly heartwarming to witness the coming together of our wonderful community for a great cause.


If you ordered Koththu through FOL Koththu Drive please give us your feedback.




Earlier this year, as part of its HELP LEARN 2023 Project, Friends of Lanka Inc. (FOL) generously provided essential stationery and educational supplies to 600 economically disadvantaged children from six districts in Sri Lanka. This marked the fourth consecutive year that these children received such invaluable educational assistance.


Under its HELP LEARN 2024 Project, FOL is currently endeavoring to secure funds to procure school supplies for those 600 children for the upcoming year. The average cost to supply essential items, including stationery, school bags, lunch boxes, water bottles, and more, amounts to $50 per child.


To successfully deliver its HELP LEARN 2024, FOL humbly requests your support to continue aiding these 600 children for the fifth consecutive year.

Child Sponsorship

You are kindly requested to join us helping a child who deserves your support. 

Donate $50 and sponsor a child or sponsor more children.


Your sponsorship of $50 will significantly contribute to brightening the future of a child in need. Your generosity can make a tangible difference in their lives.


If you are supporting us from overseas, please note the Swift Code: CTBAAU2S, to be used along with the bank details provided in the poster below.


For further details regarding this initiative, please reach out to Dinusha at +61 430 117 440 or Gamini at +61 401 017 328.

sponsor a child

Who we are

Friends of Lanka Inc. is a community welfare association based in Melbourne, Australia. The broader objective of the association is to work towards advancement of communities in need in Sri Lanka and overseas. 


What we do

When our fellow human beings go through a rough time in Sri Lanka or in the community that we currently live in, we will come together to give them some assistance and ease the struggle in any small way possible

Supporting Communities in Need

Helping with a better Education


Helping children from low-income families to continue education, providing the schools with infrastructure and equipment, helping in special circumstances such as medical conditions, and assisting with vocational training or higher education

Helping Micro Enterprises


A poverty alleviation initiative that encourages and supports low-income families to start up income-generating activities and provide support to continue small businesses in rural communities.



Helping Communities and Environment


Projects supporting environmental and wildlife conservation, disaster relief programs, social transformation activities, and raising awareness about matters on public welfare and civil rights



Some of the kids who receive benefits from HELPLEARN

A happy child rejoicing at what she found in her school bag.

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