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A Project to help disadvantaged children to stay in School


FOL believes that children are the most valuable asset of any society. Despite the economic background of their families, all children should have similar and reasonable opportunities to continue with school education. This is the very reason for FOL considers HELP LEARN as its primary community welfare project, and treated it as the flagship project of the Association.


Every year through the project HELP LEARN, FOL donates school stationery and other essential items to underprivileged children from remote districts in Sri Lanka. To select right beneficiaries, we use a set of predetermined criteria assessing the eligibility of each child to receive benefits from this project.


FOL Volunteers in Sri Lanka:

It is unimaginable how we can deliver this project, in the most remote parts of the island, without the unwavering support from our trusted volunteers working hard on the ground in Sri Lanka. 

Selecting eligible children according to predetermined criteria, transporting items to various locations, arranging them according to the grade levels of each student, packing them into bags for each child, labelling bags with the name, school and grade for all selected children from many schools and safely keeping all pre-packed bags until the time of distribution are not simple tasks. 

FOL appreciates the hard work of all our volunteers who put much effort in to making this project a success.



FOL continues implementing its primary flagship project: HELP LEARN for the third consecutive year. All the school bags are now packed and labelled, and the donations will soon reach 520 children from disadvantaged families. This is an increase of 110 children compared to 410 last year. Same as last year, all 520 children will receive their stationeries and other necessary items for them to continue their studies in 2023, without being a burden for their parents who may otherwise be struggling to buy them.


This year, HELP LEARN reaches another new district: Monaragala, in addition to the four districts it has been working on. As a result, eighty-five children from disadvantaged families in the Thanamalwila area will also start receiving benefits from the project this year. 


Despite the difficulties every single person in Sri Lanka is going through at this time, our dedicated and trusted volunteers on the ground have been busy since last April, making all necessary preparations. In February 2023, all selected beneficiaries will receive their school stationeries and other items.

(Please refer to the events calendar for distribution dates)  





Same as in previous years, FOL Volunteers are busy packing the bags with items needed for each child, for 520 children, who will receive their books and stationery items for them to learn in 2023


In December 2021, FOL successfully completed its flagship project, HELP LEARN for the second consecutive year. â€‹410 children from 64 schools in 4 districts: Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Vavuniya and Galle received their school necessities and other items they needed for their school education for a full year.  


The donations they received included a school bag, lunch box, water bottle, notebooks, pens, pencils etc. which are essential for them to carry on with their school education for 2022.  This donation will enable them to complete another school year without having to struggle to buy them.




2020 is the inaugural year, FOL started helping children from disadvantaged families in remote districts in Sri Lanka. In December 2020, FOL donated books, stationeries and a number of other essential items including school bags for 210 students from 3 districts: Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Vavuniya.


FOL started this project in a challenging time during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project involved much administrative work: collecting details of the right beneficiaries, obtaining the materials for donation, and packing them correctly as per the grade of the children selected. All these activities wouldn't have been possible without the dedicated volunteers who worked tirelessly to make the project a success.

Due to COVID-19 lockdowns raising necessary funds was an enormous challenge too. With the generous support of our FOL members and sponsors, FOL could help 210 most deserving children in December 2020.



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